What Are Intraoral Cameras & How Are They Important In Teledentistry?

What Are Intraoral Cameras & How Are They Important in Teledentistry?

In the past year, many of us have gotten more comfortable with technology and, by that turn, more dependent upon it. The dental field is no exception. Telehealth, and teledentistry, have made strides in their accessibility to patients. Teledentistry allows patients and healthcare professionals to provide a more dynamic and accessible healthcare experience.  Since the pandemic began, teledentistry has allowed patients to safely see their dentist.  Now, teledentistry allows a convenient solution for someone who is just too busy to make their way to the dentist: intraoral cameras.

Intraoral cameras are proving to be a groundbreaking innovation in Dental Health and Teledentistry. By having a high-quality, intraoral photo of a patient, which is integrated with the dentist’s software, the images can be shared among other healthcare providers and dentist offices. Some patients may have specific needs and want to get the best care that they can.  Intraoral cameras allow images to be shared amongst professionals, giving the patient the attention and care they need. The intraoral camera may be of especial benefit to someone with ongoing dental issues, but who does not want to spend all of that time in the office. Instead, they can save time by owning their own intraoral camera, taking the pictures at home, then sending them to whatever professionals need to see them.

What is an Intraoral Camera?

An intraoral camera is used to take images of the inside of a patient’s intraoral cavity. However, with Holland Healthcare, our intraoral camera conveniently connects to your smartphone, which allows for the photos to be connected with your software’s clinic.  Once attached, the intraoral camera can be used to take high-quality photos of the inside of a patient’s mouth, using a tongue depressor, a flashlight, and the camera to take superior, intraoral photos.  The intraoral camera is a great tool; it is very important for a patient to also see what the dentist is seeing.

The Uses of an Intraoral Camera in Teledentistry

There are many innovative uses for an intraoral camera, and one of those advances is in teledentistry.  Holland Healthcare’s Intraoral Camera has a seamless integration with whatever operating system and software your phone and clinic may use – so you do not need to worry about troubleshooting between incompatible operating systems and software.  

Advanced Software

The TelScope app captures superior quality intraoral photos and videos and has an application for your phone that will integrate the patient, the images, the dentist, and any healthcare provider that needs to be included in the process. The integrated software will allow for a quicker turnaround and great accessibility of the patients’ records. The camera can also measure the space between or the size of lesions or bumps in the mouth. In addition, the dentist can leave highlights, make annotations and notes on the images.

Affordable Prices

Unlike other cameras, Holland Healthcare’s Intraoral Camera is a fraction of the price of other intraoral cameras or a DSLR.

At-Home Use

Particular patients may have ongoing dental issues and do not have the time to bounce between dentist appointments. The intraoral camera is a solution.  By owning the camera at home, a patient can take their own images and send them to the relevant health professionals and receive quicker, more efficient dental care. The intraoral camera is a great way for patients to gain ownership over their dental care. In addition, it is great for a patient to also see what their mouth looks like.

Allows for Work Between Health Professionals

In certain cases, a patient may need to see more than one health professional – seeing a dentist, for example, and then getting referred to an oral surgeon or another type of specialist.  Holland Healthcare’s intraoral camera and integrated technology will allow the specialist to see the intraoral images instead of having the patient come in person. This innovation allows for a much quicker turnaround for patients.

What are the benefits of an Intraoral Camera?

Holland Healthcare’s intraoral camera and examination tool, TelScope Telehealth System, is a dynamic tool that has many benefits:

  • Allows for high-quality photos of the patient’s mouth
  • The patient gets to see what the dentist is seeing – which increases trust and accountability
  • The camera can measure distances between teeth and other points within the patient’s mouth
  • The lightweight camera is easy to use and transport
  • The camera is a cost-effective alternative to other, more expensive cameras – all without sacrificing quality
  • The camera is easily rechargeable with its micro-USB charger
  • Cross-contamination is reduced with the single-use tongue depressor and its antimicrobial handle can be entirely cleaned off

Benefits of the Intraoral Camera in Teledentistry

  • The intraoral camera and Holland Healthcare’s streamlined technology is an essential innovation in Teledentistry. With the intraoral camera, patients can have the intraoral images uploaded onto the application and it can be shared among other dentists and specialists. Similar to having images of an MRI or an X-Ray, these intraoral images will be essential in streamlining the healthcare process and getting patients effective treatment.
  • By having the intraoral images on a patient’s profile, the patient and healthcare professionals can track the treatment’s progress by having high-quality and measurable intraoral images.
  • With the intraoral camera and Teledentistry, you will be able to serve more patients at your clinic.  
  • Digital follow-up care with patients
  • Save time by having the patient take the intraoral images before coming into the clinic
  • The intraoral camera also has a light attached to it, so patients can perform self-examinations – for a sore throat, for example – at the comfort of their own home.

Telehealth and Teledentistry have become immensely popular and effective ways of meeting with patients. However, a clinic needs to have the necessary technology in order to serve its patients in the remote model. You need an intraoral camera; you need to be able to share images between the patient, dentist, and other specialists that may be involved. 

But the intraoral camera is not just for the professional; the patient can also use it as well.  The patient can take their own images, share them with dentists, or perform self-examinations with the tongue depressor and flashlight attachment. The world of dentistry is changing and the intraoral camera is a necessary tool in its development.