Dental Hygienist & Oral Health Therapist Shida Taheri owns Dental On Demand, a mobile dentistry business that services aged care, schools, child care, corporate locations, and home visits. Shida is also on the board of the Dental Hygienists Association of Australia (DHAA).
Shida uses TelScope Telehealth System for teledentistry in aged care facilities (nursing homes). TelScope Telehealth System is an intraoral examination tool. It doubles as an intraoral camera for oral telehealth images and videos, as well as secure and instant telehealth connection.

Using TelScope as a Teledentistry Tool in Aged Care Facilities (Nursing Homes)
“In my business, I work closely with aged care residents and their carers,” says Shida Taheri, dental hygienist and oral health therapist. “I love using the TelScope to conduct an efficient intraoral examination that I can refer back to at a later stage. I use the TelScope Telehealth System to send photos and videos to other clinicians in my team for treatment planning, and to share these images (and videos) securely with the residents’ family members who often aren’t at the appointments. These high quality images and videos help the families to better understand the patient’s oral health conditions. The TelScope Telehealth System makes communication with my patients, their families, and their carers so much easier.”

TelScope Telehealth System
TelScope Telehealth System enables dental professionals and their patients with access to virtual oral healthcare, mobile dentistry, and teledentistry. Examine your patient, capture a superior quality image or video by transforming your phone into an intraoral camera, and securely connect those files from patient to provider, provider to provider or patient files, and provider to specialist.
Learn more about TelScope Telehealth System and schedule a free, live demo here.
Contributing Author

Shida Taheri
Dental Hygienist & Oral Health Therapist
Dental On Demand
Dental Hygienists Association of Australia