Throat Scope illuminating the inside of a patient's mouth

I love simple ideas that are genius. Today’s post is a Throat Scope Review and it’s one of those simple genius ideas.  You know, the kind that make you say, “Why didn’t I think of that?” A company from Australia, Throat Scope, reached out to me a few weeks ago and I was instantly interested in their product. Throat Scope is an illuminated tongue depressor. Wait, seriously, why didn’t I think of that?!

They sent me a Throat Scope and set of blades to test out and I am so impressed with this product. The simplified review? It works, reduces the materials I need, and engages kids. It’s a win.

Throat Scope was started by a company in Australia. It was actually featured on Shark Tank Australia. It will be sold in the US soon.

The details:

  • The unit has a base with a light that shoots into a clear disposable blade.
  • The unit costs about $20 and 50 replaceable blades are about $15.
  • The battery life is 20 hours
  • The blades slip off with just a simple release.
  • It looks like a lightsaber and kids (and adults?) LOVE that.
  • It provides a view of the soft palate and uvula.
  • No more holding a pen light and tongue depressor while trying to position the clients body/face.

My brother was in town and I forced him to let me inspect his oral cavity using the throat scope. I was surprised at the amount of light the Throat Scope puts out. It definitely works!

The disposable blades make it perfect for healthcare.

Read the original post HERE



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