Articulation and Mirror Therapy Tool – Throat Scope

If you’re an SLP and have tried to do some articulation and mirror therapy with a student to help with tongue placement, you’re going to love. this. tool.

It’s called Throat Scope. You can use this to literally light up the inside of a child’s mouth so that they can clearly see where to place their tongue for sounds like /r/, /k/, and /g/.

When I first saw this, I thought it looked kinda like a Darth Vader glowing Light Saber. So, I’m guessing there will be some Star Wars fans out there who think this Scope is pretty cool and would be more than happy to participate! ;)

I’m also thinking about those school nurses and parents who have students with special needs, who have trouble getting kids to open their mouths long enough to see what’s going on in the back of their throat.

At least with Throat Scope, you will get a clear look, even if it’s quick!

It’s simple and easy to use. I found this Throat Scope for about 20 bucks.

I’ve been looking to find some things specifically for SLPs because I so often share ideas that are often more appropriate for special education teachers. I saw today’s tool in a video done by a fellow SLP who goes by the name Peachie Speechie. It’s not only great for when you want to do some mirror work, but it’s also a great tool for parents and nurses!!! I actually ordered this tool online but was hoping to find it somewhere local since the package has a sticker that says, “As seen on TV.”

You won’t want to miss this!

So, here’s how it works:

It’s just a light. And this little plastic Saber tongue depressor kind of thing that lights up.

You simply put it into the student’s mouth, and you get a much clearer look.

DISCLAIMER: In this video, it says you “can disinfect blades between students or uses.” HOWEVER, THROAT SCOPE BLADES ARE SINGLE-USE ONLY. Throat Scope blades are FDA-approved for single-use only to eliminate the risk of cross-contamination. Reusing blades puts you and your patient at risk. Please dispose of the recyclable single-use blades in your recycle bin and change blades between each use and each patient.

I’ve been looking to find some things specifically for SLPs, because I so often share ideas that are often more appropriate for special education teachers.

I saw today’s tool in a video done by a fellow SLP who goes by the name Peachie Speechie. It’s not only great for when you want to do some mirror work, but it’s also a great tool for parents and nurses!!! I ordered this tool online.

Read the original blog by Carla Butorac at Behavior Communicates HERE.


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